Before and After

Before and After
My name is Erica Abramson. I am 30 years old and probably in the best shape of my life. This is because of the great help and support of my trainer Duncan Mutura. Duncan has been there for me through all of my ups and downs and truly cares about his clients and invests his personal time and energy into helping create a better you. He has pushed me beyond the limits I thought I could go. I have lost over 70 lbs and continue to work with him so I can keep losing more. Duncan has also taught me that you can do anything you set your mind to if you put mind over matter. Thanks for all you do!!!
Erica Abramson

Thanks Duncan for the awesome training, it was thought going up and down those stairs with my hands all those core and explosive workouts help me achieve my goal in boxing you help me increase power, speed and flexibility at the same time.Now I'm ready for another round and another painful year with you, thanks for your support and see you in the pain zone ;)
Roger Rosa

I have never really had any motivation to exercise, except for when I was playing sports growing up. A year ago, I decided that enough was enough. The weight had been creeping on slowly over a period of time and I didn't want to become unhealthy, or perceive myself as overweight. I have always found it hard to motivate myself to exercise, and I've always been in need of someone to hold me accountable. I decided to find a personal trainer, and I signed up with Duncan. He has been encouraging and enthusiastic throughout the process of getting back in shape. His knowledge of strength training, as well as the nutrition and supplemental aspect of being fit is impeccable. He also drove me to want more from myself, resulting in me starting fitness competitions. Duncan is always positive and smiling! Every workout he pushes me to do more, and as much as I dislike the amount of work I have to put forth, I love the results! If anyone is looking for someone to keep them motivated, and get into shape, Duncan Mutura is your man!

I have worked with Duncan on and off for several years. I saw him train many people and always wanted to work with him until one day he answered my prays and offered me an opportunity to train with him. This was an opportunity that I didn't think I deserved but one to this day, I am very grateful. He saw something in me that I didn't. I remember telling him I would like to learn how to run. He immediately gave me a schedule to follow and I did. In two twos I was running. I was not only running, but doing so with confidence. I told him I wanted to get my body fat down. He gave me nutrition advise and a fitness routine to follow in the evenings and I did. My body fat was where I wanted it to be. Duncan is always very patient and kind despite me telling him a few times that, "I don't like you right now." His reply would be, "That's OK," and the fitness routine would continue. He is a great trainer and after many years a great friend. If you train with Duncan Mutura, you will not be disappointed!-Joy

Hello my name is Sabrina.When I met Duncan I was somewhat in shape, but I was at a plateo. I needed a different approach and nutritional facts. Training with Duncan I received all that and more.When I started with him I weighed 210 lbs. Wearing a size 14 in pants.He took my measurements and told me that I would be accountable to lose 1-2 pounds a week. I worked hard and was determined to get to my goal weight. I trained with him for 8 months.Dramatically lost 75 lbs. In a healthy way. Down to a size 6. Hard work pays off. All I have to say is Duncan your the man.

During training with Duncan Mutura, I lost more than thirty five pounds at easy pace while gaining muscle and strength, as was fitting woth my medical needs at the time.Duncan is a wonderful trainer and a wonderful person. He is highly qualified and reads his clients very well. I was extremely comfortable with Duncan despite my unusual circumstances
(gender transition) and he regularly reminded me that I was improving.
He always make sure his clients get their money's worth, and while he will push your boundaries, he will never break your body or your spirit. All of the staff has been friendly and helpful. It has been a great experience!
Thank you Duncan.

When I first came to Duncan I was actually embarrassed for him to discover how little I could move, bend or actually stand on my feet. I was becoming an invalid and losing strength to do everything. Mowing the lawn, after a couple rows I had to sit. When shopping, if no close parking space, I would go home to avoid having walk. My legs buckled if I was on them longer than a couple minutes. Arthritis in the knees and back plus being overweight attributed to all this, as did bad circulation in legs.I cannot than Duncan enough for the quality of the life he has given me, For the first time in years I can walk up a flight of stairs and not be panting for breath at the top. My blood pressure is lower, my good cholesterol has increased over 20 points and, of course, my weight has dropped significantly. My cardiologist remarked my blood work was fantastic last month. I could not have done it without Duncan. He is walking encyclopedia on nutrition and exercise, answering my tons of questions as we progresses though my transformation.Being 70, Duncan understands my limitations. With his enthusiasm, dedication,, drive and HEART, he is the greatest personal trainer anyone could possible have. I have a positive attitude toward fitness, look forward to workouts, and I would never have learned what I have or been as successful on my own. I needed his patience, encouragement and talent for making me reach for more than I felt was inside of myself, and he made me feel he was beside me every step of the way. My muscle strength has improved so much and impacted my daily activities like carrying groceries, getting up and down from sitting position, and through my ability to walk when I go shopping or, more importantly, moving my entire lawn without sitting.Duncan truly cares that I reach my goals and is definitely a beautiful spirit to cheer me to that end. His knowledge, energy, and personality is wonderful fit and just what I needed. He is the best thing I have ever done for myself. We laugh and have fun too and the trainer/client/friendship/bond we have is visible to other who come to the gym who comment to me all the time… confirming the genuine concern and pride he displays working with me. I would recommends him to anyone! Thanks Duncan for giving me a better self image…and new figure. Geri Young

Before I began working out with Duncan Mutura I was dieting, but I was not pleased with the results. When I began working out with Duncan he encouraged me to be patient and that I would be bouliding muscle as I lost weight. I did lose the weight and I gained muscle. I am older andwas afraid to try some of the new exercises. Duncan helped build my confidence and now I will try whatever exercises or machines he choses. He also helped me with eating the right foods. I am very pleased with the results and appreciate Duncan's guidances and encouragement. Judy Ivey


I weighed 217 pounds when I was signed up with Duncan to lose weight. Under his guidance I was able to lose 43 pounds in just 3 months. His work outs were always challenging but they resultad in a greatly reduced waist line and increase in lean muscle. Then I stopped going to Duncan for 8 months. In that time I gained 70 pounds and lost my motivation to be healthy. Duncan called me at least twice a month during that time encouraging me to start working out with him again. It was this motivation that led me back to training. This time I lost 48 pounds in just 4 months. I am well on my way to being in the best shape I have ever been in thanks to Duncan.

Duncan Mutura literally saved my life. After battling cancer, chemotherapy, spending months in a wheelchair with a severely broken ankle, several surgeries, and hip replacement I could hardly walk, much less exercise.
Thanks to Duncan's patience, encouragement, I have dropped 12 % body fat and am still dropping !
However, most important to me is the ability to live my life! I can walk up stairs, run after grandchildren, and stand on my feet for hours. I have a new zest lif with energy I havn't had in years!
Now I am living Life to the fullest thanks to Duncan .